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Thrapston Primary School


Maths Curriculum

Maths is an essential and exciting part of our curriculum. Through our daily maths teaching, we support children to make rich connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated problems. We intend for our pupils to be able to apply their mathematical knowledge to science and other subjects.


Progression of skills documents                                     Ready to progress documents 

Place Value                                                                                     Early Years Foundation Stage 

Addition and Subtraction                                                             Year 1

Multiplication and Division                                                           Year 2

Fractions                                                                                          Year 3

Measurement                                                                                  Year 4

Geometry position                                                                          Year 5

Geometry properties                                                                      Year 6

Ratio and Proportion



Additional information

There are many website and apps you can access to help with your child's maths learning - 

Topmarks - Topmarks has a range of interactive games for all ages. Many of the games are tablet friendly.
ICT Games -  ICT Games have a range of maths activities linked to the maths national curriculum objectives. Many of the games are aimed primarily at children aged 5-8 years.
Oxford Owl - Primarily multiplication fact games however there are also some printable maths activities and games to play. 
Mathsframe -  Aimed mostly at Key Stage 2 children. Mathsframe has more than 200 interactive maths games as well as printable worksheets. New games are added regularly. 
Maths 4 Mums and Dads - Lots of practical ideas for how parents can support children’s maths learning outside of school.
A Maths Dictionary -  An interactive, animated maths dictionary with over 600 common maths terms and words explained in simple language with examples.
BBC Bitesize - and    A wide variety of videos and interactive activities to support each area of the maths national curriculum.

Maths Chase -  practise your times tables at:

There are also an increasing number of suitable maths iPad apps available, many of which are free or low cost. Some recommended apps are listed below:
Glow Burst – 99p – Recently voted one of the best children’s maths apps. Focuses on ordering numbers but also includes negative numbers, fractions and decimals.
Operation Math - £2.99 – Secret agent themed maths games using addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Eggs on Legs – 99p – Three levels of difficulty focusing on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
Number Run - £2.99 – A ‘Temple Run’ style game with 52 levels across addition, subtraction, multiplication and division
Number Board – Free – Seven different boards that help to improve and master number sequences, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions and percentages.
What Time is it Mr. Wolf? - £2.99 – Fun game that supports teaching of telling the time
Bee-Bot – Free – Voted one of the top apps for children by children. Helps to develop children’s use of directional language and programming through sequences of forwards, backwards, left and right 90 degree turns.
Teaching Number Lines – Free – Children learn how to jump on the number line to support addition and subtraction.

KS2 Maths SATs Information